Is it waste?
The main regulatory bodies in the UK for waste management are the Environment Agency (EA) for England and Wales and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for Scotland.
Usually the first place to start is determining if the item is a waste. Now this is not as simple as it sounds because what may be considered a product by one person can and often is considered to be controlled waste by the Regulating Authorities. The general rule is if the item has been discarded by the owner or can no longer be used for its original pourpose (i.e broken) it will be considered a waste. The other guide is if there is doubt over whether it is a waste then it most likely is.
The definiton of waste used in the UK comes from the European Waste Frame Work Directive and guidance on its interpretation is found in Government Circular 11/94 Annex II, however this is not soley relied on by the Authorites as there have been several case laws since this interpretation that now have to be taken into account.
The first place to contact if there is a doubt is one of the Agencies, you can use the links for contact details.