Entering any form of Waste Management in the UK market is a potential minefield of legislation and controlling bodies. There are some basics that I hope to share here that can help point you in the right direction and give you a better view of how the industry is controlled.

27 September 2006

Web Waste-Control


Simpler, Cheaper, Quicker applications

You can now apply for a ‘fixed’ waste management licence. This is easier and cheaper to issue and more flexible than a bespoke licence.
Fixed licences have set conditions that you can see on the EA website, so you can be clear about which licence to apply for and what the licence requires you to do before you apply.

They are currently available for:

Household, Commercial and Industrial waste transfer station with or without treatment and asbestos storage.

Asbestos waste transfer station

Inert and excavation waste transfer station with or without treatment.

Non-hazardous and hazardous household waste amenity site .

Composting Facility.

Metal recycling site

Vehicle Depollution & Dismantling Facility

Materials recycling facilities

Other due are:

October 2006
Clinical waste transfer station
Physical Treatment facility
Physical – Chemical treatment facility

December 2006
Exempt incinerators (Pet crematoria)
Chemical Treatment facility
Biological Treatment facility

Benefits of the new fixed licence

• A fixed licence is 10% cheaper than a bespoke licence.

• You no longer need a ‘working plan’ and a risk assessment for each site when you apply for a licence (but you do need an accident plan and a management system) which once more saves you time and money.

• You receive your licence within 4 months if you give the correct information when you apply, the site has relevant planning permission and you are a fit and proper person.

• The conditions of the licence are published in advance, so you know even before you apply for a licence what you have to do to comply.

More flexible

• You now have more freedom to decide how you meet environmental performance
• You produce the site accident plan and management system as described in the guidance on how you will manage the activity.

• You can change the way you operate as long as it is within the conditions set out in the
fixed licence without having to change it or get permission from us.

• Licence conditions are the same for every site or activity throughout England and Wales.